Showing posts with label #fungi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #fungi. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Toadstools or Mushrooms or Championnekes

What's a mushroom?  "They describe a variety of gilled fungi, with or without stems, therefore the term is used to describe the fleshy fruiting bodies of some Ascomycota.  These gills produce microscopic spores that help the fungus spread across the ground or its occupant surface".

Mushrooms or toadstools have always caught my interest (see needle felted toadstools earrings I used to make or the baby shoes with needle felted toadstool designs I've created in the past) but never to the point to go foraging for them.  I'm too scared to end up picking a poisonous one.  

While taking these pictures I started thinking about "Toast Champignon" my mom used to make and while I'm not crazy about eating mushrooms that did make my mouth water!  I found a recipe on a Flemish site:  My mom used to make it with some kind of Alfredo sauce which toned down the flavor of the mushrooms a bit.

The reason I'm talking about mushrooms is because I found these beauties in my yard a couple of days ago after storm Isaiah came by.  The ones in the backyard I had to get rid of because I have two dogs that love to nibble on grass.  I wouldn't want them accidentally eat one of these since I know some of these are poisonous!  

I think the lighter colored ones are "parasol" and the darker ones
"shaggy parasol" but I might be wrong I'm not a mushroom
I did find a page that talks about these and if that's what these are they are edible ... 
but trust me I'm not going to try to eat them, better safe then sorry.
Here is the link to the article on how to cook them if that's what they are:

I think these are called "Yellow Patches" or Amanita flavoconia

When I went searching on the internet to find out what these were called I ran into this article "15 worlds funkiest fungi"   OMG!!  
Here is the link to it:
Mother nature doing her thing!

So guess what I'll be making for dinner!?  Toast Champignon ... but definitely with store bought championnekes!