Showing posts with label school will never be the same. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school will never be the same. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2011

Not motivated

I just can't get myself to take pictures of a bunch of things I've made while in Belgium so I can get them listed. Sometimes I just think way too much and too deep about why we are here etc. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with my best friend Erna and also my dad passing away recently. Some days I look at everything through a different set of eyes, they just don't seem to be mine. I'm sure as time passes my eyes will point me in the right direction again, hopefully soon. In the meantime I am motivated to make treasuries and I'm happy to share them with you.

This first one is called "Who wants to come play in my garden?". It's a bright garden I must say, one that makes me smile when I enter it. Hope it does the same for you.

And this one is called "School will never be the same" also bright and sunny! I've been making lots of back to school signs at work and they are mostly yellow, black and red so when I got home the other day I thought the heck with those colors, I'm going to make one I like a lot better and voila here it is. School should never be dull so enjoy!!!

That's it for today folks. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Fall Owl Cat Toy Tutorial