Showing posts with label aqua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aqua. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2011

Nonteamchallenge 41 Treasury on Etsy and Kittens at my mom's house!

I'm SOOOOOO excited ... the little stray cat we (mostly my kid I must say) kinda adopted while staying at my moms house had a litter of 4 kittens! See, we figured mom needed something to keep her busy after my dad passed away a month ago. My mom cared for my dad 24 hours a day for more then a year while he was sick with lung cancer. I realized once he was gone and my daughter and I left her house she would need something to keep her mind and hands busy and voila! This young cat appeared in her back yard so we decided to start feeding it. I realized after the first week she was expecting since most of her body was pretty lean her belly started to get bigger every day and it wasn't the food she was eating I can tell you that. Anyway, I'm kinda bummed I'm not in Belgium to see and hold the little kittens but I'm so happy the cat had her litter in my mom's basement and not somewhere outside where nobody could get to them. My mom looooooooves to take pictures so I'm anxiously awaiting to get some photos and I will definitely share them with you all.

Now back to business ... I just made this treasury for the nonteamchallenge 41 so here it is. It's based around the bright red lantern which you can find in this shop . She was the winner of last week's nonteamchallenge 40. If you want to see and read all about the nonteamchallenge you will need to go to this site . Have fun exploring all these great shops represented in this treasury.