Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Busy, busy, busy ...

Ahhhhhh, my head is just buzzing with tons of ideas for new creations. I really really really need 100 hours in a day, but ... I can only work on 3 things at a time. I usually have my sitting down project going, which is either knitting or crocheting for TV and join the family time. While I'm making dinner I'm usually back and forth from the kitchen to my studio (which is just around the corner from the kitchen, really convenient) where I have sewing, needle felting, embroidery things going on. Then down to the basement for longer periods of time for wet felting. Some of the smaller wet felting projects I do on my kitchen counter. Anyway, I only have 28 days to get ready for our two Christmas markets in December. I need to felt a bunch of scarfs, some purses, knit and crochet a couple more hats and I made the mistake of starting to needle felt some snowman and various animal ornaments. I must say they are so darn cute I want to keep some for myself! I wasn't too sure how they were going to turn out, but they did turn out oh so pretty if I say so myself! Wade and Sofie both love them, and trust me if something doesn't look right or isn't something to get excited about, they are the first ones to let me know! When I was at Michaels the other day I found some tin cans to match the ornaments, perfect for putting them in and keeping them safe and selling them at the markets in December. Anyway, buy some special one of kind hand made presents this year! Come and visit our Christmas Market at the Archwood Green Barn in The Plains. Hope to see you there!

The pictures are of a beanie I made when I lived in Alice Springs. It's about my journey from Belgium, to the USA to Australia. I used merino sheep and camel fleece to make it. I made a special hat box to keep it in so I can pass it on to Sofie. I told myself to felt at least one hat for the Christmas market. I love making hats like that and by that I mean the shape (cloche like) and big soft bows and flowers.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Lovely fall!

Yes, fall has arrived, it's definitely cooling off. I realize how much I've missed having the four seasons when we lived in Australia. Fall in Virginia is a gorgeous time of the year. I can't wait to pull out all my warm fuzzy sweaters and jackets. Today, when I went outside to spray paint at my day job as the sign shop artist for the Wegmans store in Gainesville I realized, yep fall is definitely here ... I can't forget to bring my gloves tomorrow. We have to go outside to spray paint the boards we use to make our signs for the store since some of them are 4 by 8 feet it's impossible to do it inside. I don't mind doing it outside, it gives me a break from being indoors, only thing I don't like about it is that my hands get numb having to push the button of the spray can when the temperatures are down. Last year when I started this job I figured a way to keep my hands from freezing and my fingers from getting numb. I bought a cheap pair of wool gloves and over them I put a pair of latex gloves on ... that way I don't get the paint all over the wool gloves and it keeps my hands extra toasty! Come to think of it ... now that I'm typing this I better go and grab them out of the cabinet and stick them in my bag to take them to work tomorrow.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pink Beauty and 2 Little Pumpkins

Been busy felting and knitting. I try to make at least 1 scarf, a pair of booties and a beanie. Not always that easy but hey sometimes I can even sneak in a pair of earrings, a pincushion or some other new items. Here a sneak peak of what I made this week. Taking them to the barn tomorrow, if they don't sell tomorrow they will be in my Etsy shop so come and visit my PurplePlatypus shop on Etsy and have a look!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bonnets, spinning and some sassy booties

I've been making some bonnets lately, a bear one (which I sold on Etsy yesterday! Yeahhhh! Thank you to my customer.) and then I made this pink one but of course .... I had to change the pattern around ... turned out bigger ears and a ruffled edging compared to the bear one I had made. So now I don't think it looks like a bear, more like a cat I would say. Anyway, it still looks cute which is the important part. Hopefully somebody else thinks that way and will buy it.

My spinning adventure hasn't gotten much further then trying it out at the meeting the other day. I just haven't had the time to sit down, relax and try to spin some yarn. But ... I've promised myself during the coming winter months I will manage to spin some yarn, for now I just keep thinking about it, the doing part will have to wait a bit.

So how about those sassy baby booties! I again managed to change a pattern which means they turned out totally different looking then what the original pattern looked like. Good thing I remembered to write down what I changed on the pattern since I had to make a matching pair I figured I better do so.

I also finished felting another scarf. A pink one with some wild alpaca handspun yarns (not by me! ... yet!). I need to work on it some more before I take some pictures of it.

And ... I promised Sofie we'd start painting her room. I showed her how to patch up all the holes in the walls from where her posters used to be so she went to work earlier this evening and patched them up. We're waiting for it to dry so tomorrow I will show her how to sand it all down. She's already taped off the doors and windows in her reading nook which will be the first part that gets painted. She changed her colors from the original wanting to have Twilight colors (black and red!!!! Vampire style! Yikes!!!!!) to a totally different color scheme now purple, mint green and white .... sooooooo much prettier I must say.

Time to start felting some more so off I go.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Scarfs and more Felt Scarfs

Ok, I finally got some of my scarfs on Etsy. Everybody keeps asking me why I've never put any of my scarfs on Etsy so I finally did it. I think it's mostly because my Etsy shop is just ... well sitting there ... haven't sold but 1 thing that way. I have to keep adding things and taking them off a week later due to the fact I sold that item at the barn! But, I figured heck ... I'll give it a try since my scarfs are a bit more pricier then all the other stuff I make and sell (except for my figurines which I haven't had the chance to make more of lately), we'll see what happens having them in my Etsy shop. I guess I just need to get into gear and start advertising my Etsy shop especially with the barn closing down during the winter months I'll have more time to figure out how to get myself noticed more to the on-line world. Only problem is that everytime I find myself on-line I keep thinking of how much time goes into that and how much more felt I could create if I wasn't sitting in front of this darn computer!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ready for a new adventure

Yep, I'm finally going to do it! I'm going to learn how to spin! Might not be a very exciting thing for a lot of folks but for me it's a big deal. Ever since I was little (6 to be precise!) I wanted to learn how to spin my own yarn. Mostly because I was never happy with the plain old yarn anybody and everybody could purchase at the local yarn shops. So, it's only taking me half a century to finally being able to learn to spin yarn. While living in Alice Springs I had the opportunity to purchase an Ashford traditional wheel for a very good price. Since it included 2 huge bags of fleece (and I mean garbage size bags!) I couldn't go wrong buying it, heck I could always felt with all that fleece. I did use about 1/4 of the fleece for felting and left the rest of it behind at Central Craft when I moved back to the US. I even purchased the maintenance kit for the wheel, I figured I would need it if and when I learned how to use the darn thing. So time when by and I even went as far as putting my name on the waiting list for the next "learning how to spin" session at Central Craft. But ... it didn't happen. Either the class was cancelled and/or I had something else planned so my poor wheel sat there collecting dust.

But, tomorrow is the big day. Our neighbor came and asked me if I wanted to join her tomorrow at the Fiber Art Guild get together here in Warrenton. A couple of weeks ago we had a garage sale, that's when Jean (our neighbor) came by and we started to chat about arts and crafts and I'll be darn, I found out she's a spinner, besides a whole bunch of other things she's really good at. And the best thing is .... she has the exact same wheel as I do so it should be pretty easy for me to follow along as she will be teaching me how to spin. Heck, I already have tons of fleece (the kind I use for felting) and other fiber I can later incorporate into making some wacky yarns. Hopefully I won't get too bored having to learn to spin some good old fashion yarn before I can get into spinning up some crazy yarns. The kind with all kinds of things sticking out. See, once I get the spinning my own yarn down I can move on to yet another thing I've always wanted to learn how to do ... dyeing my own yarn. I've already experimented with dyeing my fleece in the microwave using food coloring as well as the kool aid powder but I want to get into using plants to do it. Of course my husband is afraid my next request will be having to move back into the country so I can finally have my own angora goats and rabbits, besides an Alpaca, a llama and some sheep. He really wouldn't mind since that's just a great excuse then for him to be able to get his manly tractor, snow plow (that's if we end up staying in Virginia of course) and we might just have to get another Australian Sheppard or Border Collie to keep that herd under control. And oh yes, how could I forget .... Sofie could finally have her horse .... a Curly hair horse of all things! Wonder why .... well in case you don't know, that's the only kind of horse hair that you can felt with!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cleaning out my closets!

Well I must say "thank you!" to all my customers from the market. Business is rolling along. Only problem with that is ... I have to make more stuff! Trust me, I really don't consider that a problem, I don't mind having to make more stuff, the only issue I face is finding the time to make them. Having a day job (32 hour work week outside of the house) and trying to run your own business is not the easiest thing to do. The most difficult part being coordinating getting all the rest of my to-do list done. So, these past 2 weeks I've been digging through my boxes of things I've made this past year or so and either wasn't happy with them or didn't completely finish it yet. I've re-vamped some of them such as the little bag in the picture. You will never believe what it started out as, I must say I like the way it's turned out now compared to what it was before. My 13 yr old begged me not to tell what it started out as ... I will say ... it was 1 of 2 pieces! Can you guess?

Anyway, the little wallet was a bit dull looking so I ended up embroidering it, looks much livelier now. I also finally made up the market bag from the material I've been hauling to and from the Sunday Market where I've been needle felting for weeks filling up the flower designs of a fake suede black fabric. It turned out really pretty, don't have a picture of it yet. Will try to take a picture on Monday to post it.

I've also been busy felting some lovely smelling soaps.

As you can see more new stuff for my stall at the barn so come and check it out. If you live to far away check my Etsy shop in the next couple of days where I will be posting these new items.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Whimsical Blue Bird and Funky Beanies

So what do you think? I managed to make a whimsical little bird, well he's actually not that little I guess. You have to understand I've always had a hard time making silly and funky things. For some darn reason my stuff always ends up looking more elegant versus fun and/or silly. I've been trying to figure out why that is ... and I really can't explain it. I guess as an artist we all have our own way of making things look a certain way, which ends up being our very own, I guess, signature look? I never gave it much thought until I started making beanies for the beanie festival in Alice Springs. My kid and husband both kept telling me to make something more crazy, outrageous, etc. Well I tried, I tried for 3 yrs but each time I ended up with something just not crazy enough, again my hats turned out looking elegant ... except maybe for this last one I made. I had basically given up on trying something crazy until I started digging into my bags of yarn and found a bag full of metallic yarns my mother-in-law had given me. I just picked a yarn and started crochetting, not trying to think of what the end result would look like. So I kept on going thinking what else I could use to make it more silly, I remembered a huge bag of emu feathers my husband had purchased for me (thanks honey!) he figured some day I would find some use for them ... so I did. As you can see in the photo I used lots of emu feathers on that thing hoping to make it look more silly ... not sure if that really added to make it a more fun/funny beanie but I tried my darnedest.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sofie and Mina!

A brand new day is dawning
And as it gets its start,
I want you know I am thinking
Of you with warmth in my heart.

I hope your birthday is special
No one deserves it more than you!
You are such a kindhearted person,
It shows in everything that you do.

So, have a perfect morning
And an even lovelier day...
May happiness surround you
Always.... not just for today!

Tomorrow is August 19th, 13 yrs ago I was more then ready to become a mom at that time. So, I did I had a baby girl and named her Sofie. I had to come up with a name easy to say in English as well as in Flemish so Sofie seemed to be the choice. My due date was suppose to be the end of August but Sofie decided it was time to enter the world 2 weeks before that. One of my best friends, named Mina, her birthday is tomorrow as well so it's real special day for me. We both couldn't believe it when I went into labor on her birthday. I haven't heard from Mina in a couple of months so I hope all is well. She lives in California while I'm all the way in Virginia. Her family lives in India so she might be back in India visiting them. Mina, wherever you are I hope you are having a wonderful birthday. Sofie and I will be thinking of you. Happy Birthday!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas!

I made these cute soft baby shoes out of a piece of felt I had made a while back. The little rose buds I made using a bit of red felt and the organza ribbon makes them festive you think? They can always change the color of the ribbon if they get tired of the dark red one. I sold them at the market today but if anybody is interested convo me and I'll be happy to make a similar pair.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Fleece Camel Hat

I felted this hat while living in Alice Springs Australia and entered it into the Beanie Festival. It didn't win any prizes but somebody bought it and is hopefully very happy with it. I made it out of sheep's fleece and camel fleece which I got at the Alice Springs Camel Farm. I really loved that hat and wish I had brought back some of that camel fleece. I do miss Alice ...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Back in Town

Goodness, time flies when you're having fun! Off we went to Belgium to visit my family for 2 weeks and here we are back in Virginia. We had a great time with my family and friends and always wish we had more time together. But just like a lot of you, I have a day job that only allows me to be gone a certain amount of time. I must say I love my day job, being able to paint, draw and design signs for Wegmans is the most rewarding and fun job I've ever had. I took a big cutback in pay from working admin jobs for almost 30 yrs but I must say this is a lot more rewarding then any of my prior jobs. My time at work now flies by, I even forget to take lunch, which never ever happened when I worked as an admin assistant. Working a 32 hour week outside of the house doesn't give me much time to create the arts and crafts for the other job I love, my Bits of Fiber business so, I put off dusting the furniture and cleaning the windows, there will always be tomorrow or next week to get that job taken care off ...

I took these photos when visiting Parc Paradisio in Belgium with my best friend Erna, her daughters Noemie and Kiona and my own kid Sofie. If you ever visit Belgium and you're looking for things to do check it out, it's a wonderful place to go.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Small Alpaca Felt Bucket Bag

I purchased a couple bags of Alpaca fleece from one of the vendors at the Archwood Green Barn. The fleece wasn't good enough to spin they told me but I could felt with it ... so I did. I ended up making this cute little bucket bag with the gray fleece. I felted 5 smooth blue pebbles into the felt by covering them up with a piece of chiffon-type fabric to hold them in place. I made the fleece layers extra thick since the staple of the fleece was so short to make sure no thin spots occurred. I usually carry Mary Poppins style bags, not the little guys like this one but I must say I do like the way it turned out. I have plenty of fleece to make a bigger version of it for myself! If you like to purchase it I suggest you go to my Etsy store or e-mail me with questions.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Breeze Felt Beads Necklace

I managed to make a fabric bead! I had seen them on Etsy so I tried a couple of techniques to get them to look right and hold together and voila ... I did it. This one I made using a lime-green organza fabric so it's a bit shiny. I then made a bunch of felted pebbles to go with it. I strung them all on a hemp-like cord with some smaller glass and wooden beads and put a magnetic clasp on it. It's in my etsy shop if you're interested in purchasing it. I'm making another one in blues and purple but I might keep that one for myself.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cute as a button ... well lady bug that is ...

My latest pair of soft fleece baby shoes made with the softest polar fleece. I needle felted the dots with 100% pure black alpaca fleece. I found the perfect ribbon at Joanne's covered with you got it ... lady bugs. They are for sale in my etsy shop so go and have a peek if you want to get a better look at them since I have more pictures listed on that site.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Little Ballerina

Another favorite figurine, my Little Ballerina. My Violin Girl arrived in Belgium last week and has found a great spot on a mantel. She seems to be a big hit which I'm glad about. Kinda crazy, I realized ... the material she's made out of called Powertex comes from Belgium. It was shipped to Maryland here in the US, so here I am making figurines with it in Virginia which I ship back to Belgium to a customer! What a crazy world it is these days. Talking about Belgium ... I will be going for a visit to see my family in July. It's been 4 yrs since I've been home so it's about time. My parents haven't seen my kid in 5 yrs, which didn't seem that long ago but looking at pictures she certainly has changed alot in the last 5 yrs I'm sure my parents will be in for a shock when they see her. Back to my Little Ballerina .... I will be making one to take back to Belgium, hopefully she will find a good home there. I'll take pictures when she's finished.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Nuno Felt Wrap

One of my latest projects. A nuno felted scarf/wrap with a crocheted mohair border. I had found a very pretty silk scarf which had many different colors of blues and white mixed in between so I decided to use the nuno felt technique on it using a variegated merino fleece which I had purchased in Australia. I also used some tussah silk and curly mohair locks which I felted on top of the silk. I still had a skein of beautiful blue mohair yarn which matched it very nicely so I used it to crochet the border around it.

If you're interested in purchasing it please visit my etsy store where it's listed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Violin Girl and The Farmers Market - Sunday April 26th, 2009 in The Plains, Virginia

Well I finally finished this violin girl. She will be on her way to Belgium late next week. I made her for one of my school teachers from way back when. Kinda strange how in one way it seems like only yesterday I was in her classroom and on the other hand it seemed so long ago I can barely remember what she looked like.

This Sunday, April 26th, 2009 will be the first Farmers Market at the Archwood Green Barns in The Plains, Virginia. The market runs from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. I will have my stall in the main barn so if you need something to do this weekend please come by and visit me. I have lots more items for sale then what's listed in my on-line shops on Etsy and Art fire so come and check it out. There will be many local farmers and other artisans as well.

Look for the big green barn located at the intersection of I-66 (exit 31) & Rt. 245 in The Plains, Virginia.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Ozzie Kitty Azzie

Ok, since I put a picture of our new puppy River on my blog our Australian Kitty named Azriel wanted to get in on the action so here is a photo of her. At this point she's pretty much accepted having this silly puppy around. She's gotten the point across to him that she's the queen of this house and he better behave. He, on the other hand has not gotten the entire message about not chasing the cat and wonders why on earth she blows up like a balloon everytime he does!? And how about all that hissing, my oh my that cat can talk, now if he could only figure out what the heck she's trying to tell him things will be alright.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Meet Our New Family Member - River

So here is the reason I haven't had to time to get anything done this week! Meet our newest member of the family ... our Boykin Spaniel called River. Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen. Well, we think he is. We got him at the Fauquier SPCA. For those who have never heard of a Boykin Spaniel they also call this kind of dog a Swamp Poodle or a LBD ... Little Brown Dog! ha He's a spunky little dog with a great personality. I tried to get some work done in my studio yesterday while he was taking a nap on the floor in the family room .... well so I thought. Out of the corner of my eye I all of a sudden saw a blue flash down the hall way so it was time for an inspection. Dear puppy River-dog had managed to take every blue pillow from the couches, piled them all on top of his toys and was trying to take a nap on top of his blue tower of goodies! I put them all back where they belonged and went back to what I was doing ... well at least I pretended I was trying to fool him .... aha which I did .... yep Mister River-dog sprung back into action and I figured by now blue must be his favorite color since he again went for all the blue pillows and left all the other ones that were not blue on the couches. But I managed to catch the pillow thief in action and showed him they didn't belong on the floor but on the couch and showed him what he could play with .... his toys and stuffed animal which is also very soft. So off I went back to work again until I saw a big brown flash slowly making it's way across the floor down the hallway ..... hmmmm what's puppy up to now? Better make another inspection. Well this time he decided to leave my blue pillows where they belong but he managed to drag the huge brown pillow from his crate, which is about 5 times bigger then he is you must know, and put it on top of all of his toys and was trying to get comfy to take his nap. Well since it's HIS pillow I let him be and off he went to puppy dreamland ..... ahhhhhhh, I could finally get some work done while he took a well deserved nap.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Here she is - Reading Girl is back

Well it's been awhile since I created a Reading Girl but here she is ... ready to find a new home. I'm actually very excited about being able to make my girls again here in the US. The product I use (Powertex a textile hardener from Belgium) is now being imported into the US, so yeahhhhhhh for me! This little girl is for sale in my Etsy store, $60.00 and $15.00 for shipping and handling ... unless you want to come and pick her up personally. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mother and Baby

Here a couple pictures of one of the Mother and Baby figurines I've made in the past. I've started making a violin player for a client in Belgium and I hope to get it finished soon. I'm debating to put this artist business on the side for a while. I just feel like I'm burned out on making things for the market, things I know will sell. I realized I haven't been making any art pieces, or what I consider art I guess. My fingers are itching to create something different and special just to make myself feel better. I did just finish a vest I knitted for myself. I started it while we were in CA and was hoping to get it finished while driving from California to Virginia. But, unfortunately that didn't happen since I got busy doing other things. Kinda glad it's all done hopefully I can still wear it a couple of times before the temperatures are starting to rise again.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baby Boy Blues

I finally finished a pair of blue baby boy shoes. I catch myself making girly ones since it's so much easier to make them look cute compared to the ones for the boys. But, I've come to the conclusion that if I make some good looking piece of felt I don't need much else to add to make them look pretty since the fabric will do the job all on it's own. So here they are.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Photos of the Apple Green Baby Shoes

A long day

Went to the FHS, was there from 7 till 3 and didn't sell much but got lots of nice compliments (thank you if you're one of the many nice ladies who I talked to today!). The Apple Green baby shoes found a new home. Even though green is definitely not one of my favorite colors I forced myself to make a pair of booties in that color and after I needle felted some dots on them with an aqua dyed fleece (which my 12 yr old dyed for me with food coloring) they ended up to be one of my favorite pair. Anyway, I'm happy they are off to keep some cute baby's feet nice and cozy. Since we didn't get a lot of buyers to show up I kept myself busy with knitting another gumnut beanie. Still have to put it together but that won't be for this evening. I'm still amazed how this crazy economy is affecting everybody. Talking to a couple of folks at the show today and hearing their stories about loosing a job and trying to make a living doing other things made me realize how sheltered we were living in the middle of Australia in Alice Springs. It's a very remote area but business (at least my business!) was booming compared to here in the US people want to buy my stuff but just don't have the money. Ok, this is just making me more depressed and sad so I better stop talking about it and get busy putting that gumnut beanie together, I just hope things will turn around for everybody and life will be good again.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fauquier High School Craft Show

Oh my ... I was a bit in a panic earlier this week when I received an e-mail about the Fauquier HS Craft show. I had signed up for it and I must admit ... totally forgot about it! Needless to say I've been pretty busy the last couple of days getting everything ready. I haven't done a market since we left Alice Springs which was July 2008! Gosh I can't believe it's been that long. Anyway, I'm very excited and just about ready for the show which is this Saturday, the 21st of March from 8 till 3. I figure this will give me a practice run for starting the Farmers Market the end of this month and attending the Warrenton Spring Festival in May.

I've attached a couple of pictures of my Chime Girl I made and sold while living in Australia. I really need to get started on making these again .... if only I had more time.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pretty soon at the Farmers Market in The Plains!

Went to the meeting at the Archwood Green Barns in The Plains yesterday to find out all about becoming a vendor at their Sunday markets starting the end of April. Great meeting and a great bunch of people. I'm so excited about being able to set up my booth and start selling all my felted items. Not sure how I will handle having enough to sell on a weekly basis but I'm sure I'll manage somehow. Of course if I don't sell much I won't have to worry about that part! Come to find out that Robert Duvall (the actor) owns and lives on a farm in The Plains. I don't think he'll be purchasing any of my baby booties anytime soon, but then again ... maybe he has some grandkids he needs to buy something for. Hey, it never hurts to dream you know. Talking about kids ... mine decided to sew up some pillows for her room and I must say she did a great job. She wouldn't let me take any pictures of them yet, not until they are completely finished mum!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pretty Pink Felt Baby Shoes

I managed to finish another pair of felted baby shoes which I put up for sale on my Etsy and Art Fire sites. I love making these little shoes. Making the felt and sewing them by hand are my favorite parts, cutting out the little shoe pattern is my least favorite part. These I made from only sheep's fleece and tussah silk, I didn't use any llama or Alpaca fleece this time. These little shoes always bring a smile to my face when I look at them. My best friend Erna, said to me the other day that these little shoes almost make you want to have another baby! BUT, then we both remembered the sleepless nights, the dirty diapers, tantrums and figured heck no, we've been there done that and we wore the T-shirts! She has 2 teenage daughters and I have a tween and we're both very happy to have these wonderful kids, we'll just leave having babies to that next generation.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Violin Girl

Since I'm not sure where to start with my story I might as well just jump in and go with the flow. In case you're wondering about my violin girl ... I created her, I made her from wire, painters tape, foil, 2nd hand T-shirt, some other fabrics and a textile medium called Powertex. She's one of many girls I made while living in the Australian outback. I haven't made any for about a year since I got in a rut and wanted to experiment with other things, so I went back to felting, another one of my new found loves. Well, maybe not so new since I've been felting for about 4 yrs.

Back to violin girl. I was never sure of what to call my pieces ... statues, figurines, art dolls? Not sure where they really belong, or what category to put them in so I just called them my girls. I did make a boy one time, I will have to post the photo down the road of the little guy, he was part of a mother, daugther and son piece I made for a client of mine. After making and selling about 100 of these girls over a 2 yr period I realized I didn't want to go mass producing them, that just took all the fun out of creating them ... so I stopped.

But, for some reason ... today I made up my mind that I need to get back to work on making some more of these girls and share them. I know they will sell, I've had some people here in the US asking me when I start making them so I figured it's time. I will not go crazy and mass produce them but pick and choose which one to make and make them very special. I hope that all the ones I've made in the past have a good home, wherever that might be. I wonder sometimes where they are at, who purchased them and why. If you happen to be the owner of one of my girls ... I would love to hear from you. My business name in Australia was called Purple Platypus in case you are wondering about the name. I changed my name to Bits of Fiber since Purple Platypus was already taken here in the US.

Love to hear from you.