Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Patriotic Baby Hat

Finally a clear sky to take some photos of this baby hat I made last week. With all the lovely rain we've had I haven't been able to take pictures outside and the ones I took inside turned out way too dark. Anyway, here is one of the hats. I've made a second one a bit larger with no knot on the top but with a white knitted bow in the front and a ribbon but I need to sew the bow onto the hat before I can take pictures of it.

I will be putting it up for sale in my Bits of Fiber store on Artfire. http://www.artfire.com/users/BitsofFiber

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Red, white and blue ...

I couldn't resist making a pair of patriotic baby booties. I figured with 4th of July coming up soon some baby will be proudly wearing these.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Flowers for your hair and ears too!

I had a lovely birthday today, just working away on all my projects. Here are a couple of the items I finished and will be taking to the market with me on Sunday. I'm very tempted to keep the earrings for myself but decided since orange is not my color I will make myself another pair in a different color. These are so much fun to make. I hope you'll like them as much as I like them!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Itty Bitty Bunny ....

look she has found the rest of her family! Click on this link to find her http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4be1da5de56c8eef8e87f91a/white-bunnies

Thanks to Angela at http://www.etsy.com/shop/decentartworks?section_id=5440464 for putting this treasury together and including my Itty Bitty Bunny, who is still looking for a home! Go visit Angela's shop she's got lots of beautiful pictures, I loooooove all the Belgian photos.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pretty FLower Brooches

since I've started working full time at Wegmans I just don't have the time to make all the things I have in my head so I really have to pick and choose what it is I do want to make. I started making these organza and other silk like fabric flowers and found it to be a great quick project for in between doing laundry, doing dishes, etc. All you do is cut out the pieces of fabric, you then singe them very carefully over an open flame. I then sew them together and put some beads in the middle, glue and sew a hat pin or other type of pin on the back and voila ... a beautiful brooch. What I like about them is that I can use new as well as used material, have a blast with picking colors and they always turn out so fragile and pretty even if I say so myself. Here are a couple pictures of the ones I made this week. I'll be taking them to the market this Sunday so I'm not going to put them in my Etsy shop yet.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bunnies, kittens, etc ... I can smell them now!

Today at work I had been spray painting and using painters pens which I use every day doing my job, when Chef Tina (Cooking Department kind of chef) came walking into my studio. She stood there for a few moments and took some very deep breaths. I was about to apologize for those smells when I realized she was enjoying those smells!? She said it reminded her of her dad when she was young he had a home business painting and the smell made her fondly think back of when she would visit with her dad. So we started chatting about smells and what they remind us of and why. Here are a couple of smells that make me go back in time ...

The smell of fresh cut grass ... when our dog comes back into the house after the lawn has been cut he smells like bunnies! ... as a little girl I used to help my grandfather gather the fresh cut grass and help him put it into the rabbit cages, I especially liked helping when they had babies. So the smell of fresh cut grass on our dog makes me think about all those wiggly little bunnies.

When the handyman at work cuts wood ... for making display stands, etc. he does it just around the corner from my studio it makes me think of kittens! My grandfather was a furniture maker and he had a huge workhouse (werkhuis is what we used to call it in Flemish) full of industrial machines. We used to have 15-20 cats around to keep the mice population under control in het werkhuis so we always had litters of kittens. They used to smell like the woodshavings since the cats usually ended up giving birth underneath the big machines in the woodshaving piles! So, every time Gary cuts wood I think of piles of kittens.

The smell of a diesel engine ... reminds me of an old boyfriend ...

The smell of a fresh cut pine tree ... reminds me of the first year I went to get a real Christmas tree and carried it across town with my best friend ...

I'm sure there are more smells that reminds me of happy things. Funny how it only makes me remember happy things, I've never associated smells with bad times .... except our dog just farted laying right here next to my chair ... geez dog ... good timing I must say ... time for me to leave the room!!!!

Love to hear if any smells take you down memory lane ...

(the bunnies in the foto are Sweet Pea an Little Miss, these were French Lops we had when we lived in Marshall Virginia)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In the paper!

So today at work (Wegmans) somebody came running over to me to let me know she saw my picture in the paper!??? I went and grabbed a paper to look and I'll be darn, there I am ... needle felting away in my stall at the Farmers Market in The Plains on Sunday. The reporter had come over to take pictures of me working and asked some questions. I'm honored I've ended up being the one he picked to put in the paper! Thank you Fauquier Times Democrat! Just one correction, the market is on Sundays ... not Saturdays, and I won't mention my last name got misspelled, I realize nobody is perfect ... :0)