Friday, September 24, 2010

I miss the Brumbies

Seeing the wild horses running in the Auzzie desert was the most awesome thing I've ever seen. I miss seeing that. For now ... I visit with all the horses on Woodruff Shire Farm where Sofie goes for her riding lessons. They have some gorgeous horses. The big Shire horses are just amazing. Sofie gets to ride Monet who's a Shire. Here are a couple of photos I took today and earlier this month.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Brownies and other yummie treats by Picklepetunia

Annie who has a shop on Etsy called Picklepetunia send me some of her brownies and oh boy ... love at first bite!!!! They were simply the most delicious brownies I've ever had! and trust me ... being I was born and raised in Belgium I know about chocolate. Anyway, with the holidays upon us make sure you visit her online shop and order some of her yummie treats if not for you I'm sure you can think of a loved one, coworker, boss, etc. who would be very happy to receive some yummie delicious treats! Here is the link to her shop

Pincushions and more by Shizuka Urusai

My little Arthur - needle felted pincushion - got featured in Shizuka Urusai blog so go and have a peek and look at the other cute pincushions she featured as well. She also has a shop on Etsy where she sells purses, pouches, pincushions, etc. This is the link to her shop so go on over and do some shopping, the holidays are really not that far away you know!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Meet Arthur - Needle Felted Hedgehog Pincushion

This little guy is soft as can be ... not prickly like the real thing. I needle felted his coat out of Leicester fleece so when you use him as a pincushion. Your needles and pins will stay in great shape thanks to the lanolin oil of the fleece I used. I didn't wash out all the oil but did clean the fleece thoroughly. He's for sale in my shop so go and have closer look at him. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Needle Felted bird named Ernie

Meet Ernie, he's Dora's brother. These needle felted little birds make great Christmas ornaments. You can set them on top of a branch in your tree or if you prefer I can attach a ribbon or rope so you can hang them. Or, you can just set them somewhere in your house as a home decor. How about in that empty little birdcage you've had for so long and didn't know what to do with. These make much better pets, they do not toss their food around and won't get upset about being in a cage! I just listed him in my Etsy shop so go and see more photos of him in my shop.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nuno and Needle Felted Scarf

This scarf I made by needle felting all the flower designs on a dusty rose silk fabric using Leicester and Merino Sheep's fleece. I then wet felted the entire scarf and dyed it with pink lemonade kool-aid. It's for sale in my Etsy shop and NO SHIPPING CHARGES!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meet Dora - Needle felted bird and a watersnake!

We went to Berkley Springs yesterday in WV. Hadn't been back there since before we moved to Australia. Not sure if it was the smartest thing to do ... going to bath in 102 degree water! ... we just about melted hanging out in the roman baths but we did feel really clean after wards. My Belgian visitors really enjoyed it since they've never done anything like this. When we were done with the baths we took a stroll through town and walking along the stream they spotted a watersnake! They took some pictures (have to download them so I can't show you a picture yet) and were pretty amazed to see a snake in town. Only 2 more days and they will be flying back to Belgium. I'll miss having my best friend around, that's for sure!

I had started this little bird a couple of weeks ago and finally finished it. She will be at the market today. These birds are so much fun to needle felt, I guess because they are so many different kinds of birds anything goes really. I make some to kinda match what the real bird would look like but it's also fun to just make up one of my own and still have them look like a bird.