Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wow - cool moth! Eacles Imperialis anyone?

So, these last couple of days I've had little friends visiting me just about every time I've gone outside at work to spray paint my advertising boards I make for a living. Yesterday, I almost stepped on a huge moth that was sitting on the sidewalk. I felt bad for it sitting on the hot cement so I moved it. Then today, almost in the exact same spot there it was again ... except it wasn't back, this was the same kind of moth but a different one. I noticed the markings on this one were different from the one I saw yesterday. So, I moved this big fellow as well except I did take some pictures of it and decided to look him up when I got home. At first I thought it was a leaf moth but the correct name for this one is Eacles Imperialis or in plain English, an Imperial Moth. You can read all about it here: I'm not sure if this is a male or a female moth. I've submitted my photos and question to that website and I'm awaiting a reply to get my answer. I've always liked looking at moths, especially pretty and/or unusual ones like this one. I do not like having them in the house but that's because I'm worried about them getting into all of my wool items!

Thanks for visiting my site and having a look at a pretty moth. If you want to know more about them click on that site I mentioned above.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Nonteamchallenge 40 treasury on Etsy

Like I said ... I'm back at making treasuries! Here is my entry for this week's challenge. I needed something bright and cheerful today ... I went back to work 2nd day back from my trip to Belgium and it feels like I'm getting a darn cold ... so I figured something bright and colorful was needed to cheer me up. Here is my entry.

Back on track ... making and sharing treasuries!

It's been awhile since I've posted treasuries but as of today I'm back with more lovely treasuries. Some made by me, others made by some very talented Etsy people who not only make treasuries but also run shops just like me and many others. Make sure you not only check out the items listed in the treasuries but also the shops of the Curator (the person who made the treasury). So here we go ...

This first treasury named "An Owl Just arrived with A Letter - Year 1" is based on the Harry Potter theme! My little needle felted owl is featured in it along with lots of other Harry Potter related items by the Curator who sells beautiful jewelry and accessories all things wondrous, magickal, fantastical and imaginatif so make sure you check out her shop.

Next is a treasury called "Fruitful BOunty" featuring my knitted eggplant baby hat. The curator of this treasury doesn't have anything for sale but she puts together some beautiful, colorful treasuries just like this one.

This last one is a treasury I put together a couple of days ago. I was drawn by the beautiful colors of blue that day with a hint of some brighter bits through out.

A Chrismissy Pincushion

I made this pincushion from a sweater I fulled in the washing machine. I embroidered it with mercerized cotton and filled it with dried rice (to weigh it down a bit), fiberfill and dried lavender. I just listed it in my Etsy shop so go and have a peak of you like to see more pictures. Thanks for looking and feel free to share!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A couple more baby hats

Just listed these two baby hats in my shop. They are both knitted with a soft acrylic yarn so they are easy to take care of and very soft. They make really cute photo props so get them now to get those Holiday pictures done in time to send to the grand parents! Go to my BitsOfFiber shop to see more photos of both of these hats. Thanks for visiting and have a lovely day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eggplant baby hat

I've made a couple of new baby hats this past month but haven't had the chance to take pictures of all of them except of this one eggplant baby hat which I'll be listing in my shop later today. The other hats are Christmas tree hats with bobbles but you'll have to wait for those until this darn weather clears up so I can take pictures. I'm back at work now during the day making signs at Wegmans so I can only take photos of my creations when I get home after work and so far it's been raining or has rained which means I can't take pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to take them in the next couple of days so I can list all the new hats as well as the needle felted items I've made.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Violin Player for mom

This is my latest project using for a violin playing figurine I made for my mom. I've made only a couple violin players using the Powertex Lead. All the others I've made were done in the natural color powertex. For those of you who are new to my site, I make these type of figurines using the following materials: wire, kitchen foil, painters tape, rope or yarn and recycled items and fabrics I find in second hand stores. If you're interested in purchasing a figurine like this or the ones in my prior posts e-mail me with questions, I'll be more then happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the product, purchasing a figurine or even teaching a workshop on how to make them.