Wednesday, November 30, 2011

List is still going ...

More treasuries to share!

First one "For those on the "nice" list" featuring my baby Christmas hat by Curator who's shop announcement states" My art is realistic and illustrative in style with a touch of the fantastical. My subject matter includes animals, people, and nature. I primarily use a mixture of colored pencil, watercolor and ink to create images that are softly textured, while at the same time highly detailed and intensely vibrant. I also like to use acrylic paints and chalk pastels."

Next is "Darkness falls on cyber Monday" featuring my little mouse baby hat . The Curator sells gorgeous handspun yarn and hand knitted items.

Next treasury "Home for the Holidays" featuring my striped baby hat . The Curator sells really cool vintage items.

Next one is called "Drops of Blood in the snow" featuring my felted red baby shoes . This is a "Breaking Dawn" inspired treasury! Love it! The Curator who's shop announcement states" My art is realistic and illustrative in style with a touch of the fantastical. My subject matter includes animals, people, and nature. I primarily use a mixture of colored pencil, watercolor and ink to create images that are softly textured, while at the same time highly detailed and intensely vibrant. I also like to use acrylic paints and chalk pastels."

Next one is called "Homespun" featuring my striped baby hat and my felted IPad cover . The Curator sells beautiful knitted scarves, bow tie scarves and handmade pendants.

Last one for today is called "Christmas in white - Just as Beautiful" featuring my pink preemie baby hat . The Curator sells laser graphics.

More treasuries will be listed tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice on Friday, I have to take some photos of a crocheted Critter Onion together with a needle felted hamster which I will be selling as a child toy.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday

Here are some more treasuries I've been featured in that I didn't get listed last night. Thanks everybody! Don't forget to check out the Curator's shop. You can get to that one by clicking on the name of the shop listed on the bottom left corner of the treasury where it says "Picked by (and whatever name is listed there).

Now let's go shopping ...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh my, the list keeps growing!

I'm talking about my treasury lists, they have grown so much I can hardly keep up listing them all out for you .... so I will have to take a short cut for these by not spelling out each item of mine that has been treasured. I do want to thank the Curators of all these wonderful treasuries for picking items from my shop. To make sure they get a share of the attention please click on the name of the shop where it states "Picked by ....." that's the shop of the person who created the treasury and deserves to be looked at as well.

So here we go:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I heart Black Friday

Here you go ... honoring Black Friday! and nope, I'm not one of those silly people who get up to go shop at 5 a.m. ... I'm one of those silly people who will get up at 5 a.m. to make another treasury tho!

Enjoy your black Friday in your pj's! Just scroll the stores listed in this treasury ... that's called effortless shopping ladies.

Winter Greens!

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Safe travels.

Couldn't help making another treasury to start the day off right. Now I gotta put that bird in the oven.