Friday, February 10, 2012

One strange bird!

A treasury made up of silly, cute, amazing animal art!  I love them all, strange bird included ... and I leave it up to you to decide which one you think is the strange bird amongst them all.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Felted woodland baby shoes with toadstools

Just listed these cute little shoes in my BitsOfFiber shop.  These are made out of wool sweaters I fulled in the washing machine and turned into these little shoes.  For more pictures and info click on this link   and it will take you into my shop.  Perfect baby shower gift even if you don't know the baby's sex yet, they will look cute on a boy or a girl. 

Felt party hats by Princess Lasertron


I've been knitting and crocheting hats for a long time and it's crossed my mind to make some out of felt.  Not the kind of felt I make up myself but the kind you can buy at the craft stores like Michaels or better yet at Joanne's Fabric stores since you can purchase it by the yard at the fabric stores.  So looking around the internet I came across this DIY on Princess Lasertron's blog on how to make some.  My kid is 15 going on 16 pretty soon so I'm not going to be making her some of these hats but they sure are cute!  Here is the link to the DIY   with lots of pictures on how to do it.  Have fun and let me know if you've made some.  Would love to see them!