Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Itty bitty needle felted owls and a knitted baby cocoon perfect for fall photo props

Trying to catch up with things that have been in the making and are now finally done and listed in our shops! The knitted baby cocoon I started months ago but I wanted to knit a hat to go along with it and ta-daaaa finally finished. It will make a beautiful photo prop for those who like to take autumn/fall pictures of the little ones. It's now listed in my http://www.etsy.com/listing/107460532/baby-cocoon-and-hat-knit-baby-hat-knit?ref=pr_shop  so go and have a peek for more info.   Sorry, this item has been SOLD. 

So I messed up my rotary cuff a couple of weeks ago and it's only getting worse instead of better it seems.  I saw my doctor who has given me exercises to do, which I have.  It's made some of my shoulder pain go away but my arm is what's killing me.  He thinks I've partially torn a tendon so I'm now waiting to go see the specialist.  The only good thing about it is that it's my left arm!  I can still needle felt but wet felting is out of the question for now which sucks!   Hopefully I will find out soon what they can do to fix it cause I'm getting tired of being in pain.  So, these little owls I made while at the farmers market last Sunday.  I usually work on a scarf which I then wet felt when I get home but because of my arm and shoulder being in hurting status I can't make any scarves for now.  These little guys are listed in Sofie's shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/MauveMoose?ref=seller_info&atr_uid=0     I need to re-take some photos of the all pink and purple one they didn't turn out but the other two are for sale in her MauveMoose shop.  They make perfect little pocket pets and stocking stuffers.  Never too early to start shopping for Christmas!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Sweet 16th Birthday

I can't believe my kid is turning 16 today.  Time just flew by it seems.  In honor of her birthday I made a treasury for her on Etsy with all the kind of things she likes.  She opened her own shop on Etsy selling catnip mice and other pet toys she makes. She also sells them at the farmers market in The Plains on Sundays.  So proud of her!  The catnip mouse in the treasury is from her store  which is named MauveMoose.  Here is the link to it:    http://www.etsy.com/shop/MauveMoose?ref=seller_info_count

'Happy Sweet 16!' 















