Thursday, January 24, 2013


Really excited to find out my daughter's catnip mice toys she makes and sells on Etsy were featured in Hauspanther, which is an online magazine by Kate Benjamin for design conscious cat people!  Hauspanther has some really cool stuff so if you love felines definitely check it out.  Here is a picture of her Holiday Roundup: Valentine's Day Cat Toys which include my kid's floral catnip mice listed in her MauveMoose Etsy shop.   

Handmade Valentine's Day Cat Toys - Gifts for Cats

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Red crocheted pincushion and a baby boob beanie

I love red and white together anytime of the year not just during the holidays.  Made this one with Valentine's Day and Mother's Day in mind.

Click here to get to it in my BitsOfFiber shop

I've had a request to knit a boob!  Not just any kind of boob I must say ... it's a boob for a baby ... well it's a boobie beanie or in other words a baby boob nursing hat.  I'm sure you get the picture if you imagine a baby wearing this while nursing and the view it will portray which I think is pretty funny.  Here is what it looks like!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Knifty Knitter Looms by Provo Craft for Sale

I purchased this for my daughter when she was younger and wanted to learn to knit on a loom.  She did make a couple of really cute items on these looms but then moved on to knitting with just straight needles and I have no use for these looms.  They come in the original plastic sleeve plus I included an instruction book which has 10 easy projects in it.  Just the instruction book cost originally $16.95 but I'm selling the entire thing together for $15 ($10 shipping if you live in the US)!!!  Makes for a really nice gift for anybody who likes to try something new.  I'm de-stashing my studio and need to make room for other things so spread the word if you know of anybody who might be interested in this.  I have it for sale in my BitsOfFiber shop on Etsy.  Here is the link to it:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mice, a OOAK Child toy and some crocheted pincushions

I've had these crocheted doilies laying around for wayyyyy to long so I decided to finally make something with them.  Pincushions would be perfect.  I have a bunch more of the round ones which I was going to turn into something else at one point but never got to it so instead I made these pretty pincushions with them.   They make for a perfect Valentine Gift or Mother's Day gift as well so hop on over to my BitsOfFiber shop and check out everything about them.

 I also crocheted this little red bag which holds 3 love mice!  I made them from fabric which has a heart pattern.  They would also make for a cute Valentine Gift for a young lady.  This is for sale in my BitsOfFiber shop as well.  Click on the link below the picture to get to the listing in my shop.

 Then I also listed more mice in our MauveMoose shop.  Perfect for Valentine's Day, St. Patricks' day and the special ones made out of the breast cancer awareness fabric are perfect any day of the year.  I'm sure your cat(s) would be very happy to have one of these!



Thursday, January 10, 2013