English Lavender Sachet for your Valentine
As you can tell from my blog I'm always making something different in between making all the cat toys and felt baby shoes I need making other stuff to get my creative itch scratched. So today I finished this sweet little house that screams Valentine's Day to me. I ended up sewing a pouch in the same size and shape of the sachet out of a thin cotton fabric. Stuffed it with the lavender and then sewed a couple of lines criss cross over it after stuffing it so it basically has 4 different pockets that keep the lavender in place. Since it's most likely going to hang I want the lavender to stay more spread out and not accumulate towards the bottom. I should have taken photos of it while I was making it but I didn't think of it at the time.
Anyways, you can hang it in a baby's room, a closet, put it in a drawer. Heck you can gift it to a crafty person to use as a pincushion! Would be a sweet gift for your Valentine this year! Many uses for a sachet like this. It's up for grabs in my Bits Of Fiber shop.
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