Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brrrrr, freezing cold here in Virginia ... time for a new scarf

I could use about 10 scarfs right now and it still won't warm me up. For some darn reason I just can't get warm this afternoon. Of course having to spray paint my boards outside doesn't help getting my temperature up. I can feel it in the air .... more snow that is ... it's on the way and I can't wait till tomorrow or actually Friday morning is when it's suppose to get here, to see that carpet of snow on the ground again. We still have little heaps of snow from the last snowstorm we had a couple weeks ago so that should tell you it's been cold here in Virginia. We usually get some days of above freezing temps to melt the left over snow ... but that hasn't happened yet.

I rushed home from work this afternoon to take pictures of my felted scarf outside using the last bit of daylight. Unfortunately the pictures didn't reflect the true color of this scarf! Very frustrating since I actually got some really nice looking pictures of that scarf, except it looked like a different scarf! I then went ahead and took some pictures inside my studio with the worst light you can imagine and voila .... the color turned out this way. As my hubby explained it, the light outside was very flat today ... whatever that means. He took photography I never have, I just try different things on my own and get very excited when things turn out just the way I want them. I dislike reading camera manuals or books on lighting and how to use it properly, just not my cup of tea. I rather just risk it and pretend I know what the heck I'm doing! I must say, I was really excited when my better half made a comment to me about how nice my blog and Etsy pictures have turned out! That really means a lot to me you know.

So here is a picture of the scarf I just posted on Etsy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Alpaca and Kid Mohair Nuno Felt and Snowflakes!

I'm sad the holidays are behind us once again ... but on the other hand I'm happy we're getting back into our daily routine ... because that means .... I can finally get back into making things, yeahhhh. I made a few scarves before the holidays but didn't get the chance to take pictures of them. Today I was brave enough to hop onto our deck when I got home from work with an hour of daylight left and took some pictures but I must say after about 10 minutes my hands felt numb and the darn wind kept blowing so hard I couldn't get my scarf to hang still long enough for quality pictures. Sigh, very frustrating. I don't like to take pictures inside since those never turn out that good even with all the fancy lights we have and use for when I take pictures of the baby shoes and hats I make. Anyway, I did manage to get at least one scarf in my Etsy shop today, hopefully I can get pictures of all the other scarves in the next couple of days so I can list them.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blizzard December 09

Ahhhhhhhh, I love all this snow we're getting. Looks like I'm finally going to get my white Christmas, it might not be snowing on Christmas Eve or Day but at least there will be enough snow on the ground to still make it a white Christmas! yeahhhhh!

I finally got my pictures downloaded of my snowflake felted scarves I've been making so I figure today would be the perfect day to post them together with a picture of our dog, River who loves the snow just as much as I do.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One more pair added to my Etsy shop

I looooooove the color of these booties I made. Chef's secret for getting that pretty color ... food coloring my kid and I experimented with. As you can see ... it worked!

More baby stuff for my Etsy shop!

I needle felted the polka dots with sheep's fleece on polar fleece to make this set. You can purchase them separate or as a set.

Monday, December 14, 2009

More baby shoes for my Etsy shop

Another pair of the burgundy/dark red ones in a bigger size with a felt rosebud. And, a gorgeous pair of coral color itty bitty size for newborn up to 3 month old.