Alpaca and Kid Mohair Nuno Felt and Snowflakes!

I'm sad the holidays are behind us once again ... but on the other hand I'm happy we're getting back into our daily routine ... because that means .... I can finally get back into making things, yeahhhh. I made a few scarves before the holidays but didn't get the chance to take pictures of them. Today I was brave enough to hop onto our deck when I got home from work with an hour of daylight left and took some pictures but I must say after about 10 minutes my hands felt numb and the darn wind kept blowing so hard I couldn't get my scarf to hang still long enough for quality pictures. Sigh, very frustrating. I don't like to take pictures inside since those never turn out that good even with all the fancy lights we have and use for when I take pictures of the baby shoes and hats I make. Anyway, I did manage to get at least one scarf in my Etsy shop today, hopefully I can get pictures of all the other scarves in the next couple of days so I can list them.
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