Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do you ever wonder what goes on in your pet's mind?

I certainly do it allllll the time. I end up talking to them and when they look at me I feel like they understand every word I've said. Has that ever happened to you? Anyway, I've decided to share some of these talks with you in between listing all my arts and crafts. See, our dog River has been trying to figure out what on earth the pecking order is here in this house he came to live in. At first he thought, hmmmm I'm the most important one of them all, I'm a dog and I just ought to be, right!? Wrong little puppy dog, that's what Azzie (our Australian cat) tried to get through his little brain. I must say she's gotten pretty good at it, it's only taken her a year (wait a minute, in her mind that's a long time ... 7 cat yrs I guess!) to get the dog to finally not run her over every darn time she gets up to get from point A to point B. Mum (that's me) has been trying to teach him NOT to do such a thing but he still does. Although lately she's figured out that just hissing, puffing herself up to the size of a watermelon and acting like a wild thing just doesn't do anything, contrary he thinks it's play time. She's finally settled for just one mean kind of short snarl, hiss, weird kind of noise I must say to get him to back off. I'm trying to figure out what that actually means in animal world but I haven't figured it out. I've seen her getting big and fluffy hissing and talking back to him but he just ignored it compared to just this one funny sounding noise she makes gets his attention. See, he wants to protect Mum from that mean big cat that just follows her around like ... a dog (wait a minute, nope I'm the dog following her like a dog so not sure why the cat tries to act like a dog!?) so he lays right smack in the door way when Azzie wants to come and visit me trying to get past him. Well she makes her entrance by giving him a really mean staredown and just that one funny sounding noise and I'll be darn ... she's got his full attention, he will slowly rise to a sit and tries to really win the stare down contest but .... nope Azzie wins!!!! He then slowly moves out of her way and lets the queen go by! She then hurries into the room jumps onto the table to greet me sitting by the computer typing this blog entrance. She purrrrrrrrrrrres and tells me all about how she got the dog well trained ... My good Ozzie Azzie ...

Nuno Felt Silk Scarf

I finally finished the crocheted flowers for this scarf. All sewed onto the scarf now and ready to head out the door. It's listed in my Etsy shop. It's a very lightweight scarf so perfect for spring and cooler summer eves but warm enough if you wrap it around your neck a couple of times for colder days. Have a look in my Etsy shop if you want more info or convo me with questions.
Thanks for looking.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Flirty Blue Scarf

I wasn't too sure how this was going to turn out when I started knitting this scarf. The yarn is from Italy, 50% merino and 50% acrylic but has a unique texture and instead of being twisted it looks like a crocheted chain. I used very chunky needles to knit it and wasn't happy with the way it looked when I was done with it until I realized when I hung it over the mannequin it curled up on it's own so I had one of those ahhhaaaaaa moments ... I folded it in half and crocheted along the entire length turning it into a long tube scarf. For both ends I just doubled my stitches to get a gathering effect which turned out pretty cute I think. I put the bows through a row of eyelets and it can be easily removed and replaced by a different type ribbon or just left out since it will still keep it's ruffled look on the ends because that's the way I knitted it. Looks very cute and feminine. It's in my Etsy shop so go and have a peek if you want to see more pictures.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

More felting ...

A customer of mine has asked to make some jewelry baggies so off I went making some. Here are 3 of them. Depending on which one she will pick I will be putting the other ones in my Etsy shop so be on the look out if you like these.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Meet Rosie ... she will travel in style!

And indeed she will ... travel in style to move in with you ... in her own little wicker suitcase. I'm getting a kick out of making these bunnies ... they are just too much fun to make. I have a ceramic one sitting by my front door so when I saw it I thought .... hmmm perfect model for a needle felted one. If you want to see more pictures ... visit my Etsy shop where I got her for sale.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm on a roll now ... felted earrings are next ...

I made a bunch of felted beads last year and started making these earrings again. They always were a big hit in Australia where I used to make and sell bracelets out of these beads. Hopefully they will be liked here as well!

Mohair wrap

OK, I'm going to part with it ... I figure I might as well ... I have plenty of mohair yarn in a different color which I personally prefer over the one I used for this scarf/wrap so I'm going to make one for myself to keep ... probably won't need it this winter but it will be ready by next winter.

This one will be in my Etsy shop later today.