A hat and a pair of booties

Finally got some time to list a couple more items in my Bits of Fiber shop on Artfire. I just wish this economy would get back on track. I don't expect a miracle and make everybody rich in a couple of months but it sure would be nice if people could afford to buy things they like. That would make them happy and me included! :0)
Here's a hat I put up for sale and my latest pair of baby booties. I actually wrote down how I did it this time ... I had made another pair similar to this one which was a pattern I had gotten from an old pattern book but of course me being me ... I can never just do things the way they tell you to do it. Not that I can't do it ... my hands just refuse to follow what my brain reads and off I go doing my own thing. Most of the time it does work out ... only thing that used to drive me crazy is that half the time I forgot how I did it the first time around. I've gotten into the habit to not only writing down how I do it but I knit or crochet one row on the one bootee, stop and then knit or crochet that same row on the #2 bootee ... that way I remember it and they both turn out the same!
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