A couple more hats!

Well I brought the flu home about a week ago, since then my dear husband has had it and now the kid. Hopefully the cat and the dog won't be affected by this one! My kid noticed when I was sick I didn't even have the energy to pick up my knitting ... which means mom must be feeling pretty yuk! So glad I got over that and I'm off running again ... well knitting, felting and crocheting that is. I just listed a couple more items in my BitsOfFiber shop. One is a pillbox hat, knitted with a 100% wool yarn which I fulled in the washing machine. I made it a couple of months ago but it needed something else to cheer it up a bit so when I was digging around in my boxes I found this piece of felt I had made and after playing around with it and a needle felted bead I sewed it all together and attached it to the hat. The other little hat is a baby bonnet knitted with a soft acrylic yarn so it can be washed in the washing machine and put in the dryer so very easy to take care of.
I picked up all my display items from the Archwood Green barn today since I will not be there for the Christmas show this year. I'm kinda bummed about that but I just have to keep telling myself I can't do it all. I have decided to put my energy into doing some other things this coming year so I might not be back at the barn next season. For those of you who purchased things from me at the barn thank you so much for being loyal customers these past 2 years. You can always get a hold of me via this site or via my Etsy shops if you need something.
Right now I'm working on another nuno felted scarf in beautiful blue colors but it won't be finished for a couple of weeks since I have too much other stuff going on with the upcoming holiday. As soon as it's finished I'll be posting pictures of it here on my blog.
I'm happy to say that my needle felted hedgehog Arthur sold and is on his way to a new home. I hated to see him go but I'm sure he's going to a very lovely place.
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